Weight Loss Market

The American Weight Loss Industry: Built By Entrepreneurs

August 2018  The American Weight Loss Industry: Built By Entrepreneurs By John LaRosa, President, Marketdata LLC August 2018 Summary What do a New York housewife, a Philadelphia vacuum cleaner distributor, and Australian couple that ran a women’s fitness center, a New York doctor, an Idaho couple, an itch powder salesman, and a retail tech expert […]

The Four Basic Models For The Weight Loss Market

  The Four Weight Loss Business Models By John LaRosa, President, Marketdata LLC August 2018 In the 30 years that I have tracked the weight loss market as an independent analyst and author of 50+ market research studies about this industry, I have identified five basic business models. Trust me when I say I have […]

Doctors, Nurses, and The Weight Loss Opportunity – By John LaRosa, Marketdata

By now, it’s no secret that doctors, nurse practitioners (NPs) and physicians assistants (PAs) are leaving a LOT of money on the table if they don’t provide a medically supervised weight loss program for their overweight patients. But, I don’t think many of them have gotten the message yet. Or, they think that they can’t […]