John LaRosa

End Age Discrimination – I Want Senior Partners! – J. LaRosa

If you are over age 55, like me, I don’t have to tell you how potential employers treat you–like you don’t exist and are over the hill. Well, I disagree. In fact, one day I hope to form a company comprised of consultants ONLY over age 55. We have more experience, more skillsets, are more […]

How Valuable Is Your Time? – DIY Market Research – J. LaRosa

Are you doing your own market research?  This could be very cost-inefficient. You could be spending more money (via your labor cost per hour) than you are saving by not purchasing research reports that have been done already. If you make $50,000 per year, that’s $960 per week, or $24 per hr. If you spend […]

Why Don’t People Call Any More? – J. LaRosa

Have you noticed lately that many company websites don’t include a headquarters phone number, easily seen, so you can contact them with questions about their products & services? When you click the “contact us” link, it usually takes you to an email form you must fill out (and hope that they respond, maybe in a […]

Stock Analysts Still Don’t Get It – J. LaRosa

When talking about the weight loss market, success is always related to qualitative factors: whether the company has products & services that dieters want, how effective the firm’s marketing and advertising is, execution by management, status vis-a-vis the competition, and strategic focus in the right areas. In real estate, it’s location, location, location. In the […]