John LaRosa

You Can’t Do It All Yourself – J. LaRosa

When I look around at other small businesses that are successful, I think of the saying “It takes a village.” While that quote refers to raising a child, I think it’s still relevant to growing a business. Yes, entrepreneurs must wear many hats, but if you try to do it all, you’ll likely either burn […]

How To Vet A Market Research Company – By John LaRosa, Marketdata

Not all market research companies, or analysts, are created equal. Quality can vary significantly, affecting the market or industry report you purchase. How does one know how good a market research company is? Here are some basic questions and things to look for… Where is the company headquartered?…This is important because you want analysts that […]

Customization of Market Research Reports? – By John LaRosa, Marketdata

There’s a new trend going on with some market research publishers, usually ones based overseas in India, the UK and Australia. IBIS World is one example. These publishers put together a huge number of reports, based mostly on a cookie cutter formula of general macroeconomic statistics or their database–the bare bones (shipments, exports, imports, GNP, […]

“Solutions” For Everything – J. LaRosa

Ever notice lately that a huge number of companies are using the word “solutions” in their company name, and job titles?  Examples: Marketing solutions specialist. Business solutions manager. Customer solutions advocate. Or, how about…  Acme Sanitary Solutions (translation: a janitorial service), or ABC telecommunications Solutions (translation: a cell phone service). Really?  Why can’t we just […]